Aditya Chopra is leaving no stone unturned to make his determined film starring Shahrukh Khan, Rab ne Bana Di Jodi a grand success. It is known that Aditya Chopra has recorded an 11-minute song in the film for one important sequence in the film that will have Sonu Nigam paying tribute to five olden days stars.
Reportedly Aditya Chopra has recorded an 11-minute song in the film, which showcases the style of five different generations in one single song. The song tracks the journey from 1950s to the 90's to the present era and will be picturised on Shahrukh Khan.
Aditya had reached a dead end with the song where he had to scrap it when he thought of Sonu. The specialty of the song is a tribute that SRK gives to stalwarts like Raj Kapoor, Dev Anand, Shammi Kapoor, Rajesh Khanna and Rishi Kapoor. But music composers Salim-Suleiman and Jaideep Saini were asked to compose the song which would have the first line of the most famous numbers with their romantic icons and these involves songs sung by singers ranging. Mukesh, Rafi, Kishore to Jolly Mukherjee. Ranging from the '50s to the '90s. The voice had to encompass the spirit of the old and the new equally, and Sonu was the only option.
Apparently Sonu who was traveling comprehensively gratified thrice to rehearse and work on the song and then finally sang in less than 45 minutes.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
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